Certification Exams

GVF-CERT-BAPO: RFI-EUI Basic Auto-point Terminal Operator Certification Exam

GVF-CERT-GAPO: RFI-EUI General Auto-point Terminal Operator Certification Exam

GVF-CERT-BTO: RFI-EUI Basic Technical Operator Certification Exam

GVF-CERT-ATO: RFI-EUI Advanced Technical Operator Certification Exam


Objectives: Verification of student’s ability to use the core skills taught in online course GVF510 in a hands-on environment.

Skills overview: Assemble a typical VSAT; pre-set pol and elevation angles; find a designated satellite; accurately peak azimuth and elevation using the beam balance method; accurately set linear polarization; terminate a cable with a connector; weather seal the connector; general workmanship and neatness.

Delivery: The GVF Basic HOST* is administered by a Talia approved GVF Examiner at the Talia teleport. It may be given stand-alone or in combination with a supplementary training session, at the discretion of the instructor.

Prerequisites: The student should complete GVF510 (Core Skills for VSAT Installers) prior to attempting the HOST.

Examiner: The required skills must be demonstrated to an approved GVF Examiner.

The Global VSAT Forum offers three levels of Satellite Communications Professional certification for fixed VSAT professional installers, field technicians, and engineers.

* If there are enough applicants, then this course may be held locally